Team Stats

Dublin Scioto Softball

Varsity Statistics

Batting, Pitching and Fielding Stats for 2024

GP = Games played; PA = Plate appearances; AB = At bats; AVG = Batting average; OBP = On-base percentage;OPS = On-base percentage plus slugging percentage; SLG = Slugging percentage; H = Hits; 1B = Single; 2B = Doubles; 3B = Triples; HR = Home runs; RBI = Runs batted in; R = Runs scored; BB = Base on balls (walks); SO = Strikeouts; K-L = Strikeouts Looking; HBP = Hit by pitch; ROE = Reached on error; FC = Hit into fielder’s choice; SB = Stolen bases; QAB = Quality at bats (any one of: 3 pitches after 2 strikes, 6+ pitch ABs, XBH, HHB, BB, SAC Bunt, SAC Fly); PA/BB = Plate appearances per walk; BB/K = Walks per strikeout; HHB = Hard hit balls: Total line drives and hard ground balls; BA/RISP = Batting average with runners in scoring position

IP = Innings Pitched; GP = Games pitched; GS = Games Started; BF = Total batters faced;  #P = Total pitches; W = Wins; L = Losses; H = Hits allowed; R = Runs allowed; ER = Earned runs allowed; BB = Base on balls (walks); SO = Strikeouts; K-L = Strikeouts Looking; HBP = Hit batters; ERA = Earned run average; WHIP = Walks plus hits per innings pitched; LOB = Runners left on base; CS = Runners caught stealing; SB = Stolen bases allowed; WP = Wild pitches; P/IP = Pitches per inning; P/BF = Pitches per batter faced; LOO = Leadoff out (1st batter of inning); 1ST2OUT = Innings with 1st 2 batters out; 123INN = 1-2-3 Innings; <13 = Innings of 13 pitches or fewer; HR = Home runs allowed; PIK = Runners picked off; CI = Batter advances on catcher’s interference

TC = Total Chances; A = Assists; PO = Putouts; FPCT = Fielding Percentage; E = Errors; DP = Double Plays; TP = Triple Plays; INN = Innings played as catcher; PB = Passed balls allowed; SB = Stolen bases allowed; SBATT = Stolen bases attempts; CS = Runners caught stealing; CS% = Runners caught stealing percentage; PIK = Runners picked off; CI = Batter advances on catcher’s interference

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